We make you live healthy and happy life
Our teaching combines ancient yoga practices , modern scientific background and experience.
click here
Our services include:
- Daily Yoga Classes (Ladies-Gents-Kids)
- Yoga Therapy (Thyroid,Back Pain,Sinus,Sciatica,Acidity..others) (Know More)
- Pre-Post Natal Yoga (separate program/consideration) (Know More) (Testimonial)
- PCOS/PCOD , Hormonal Imbalance , Infertility (separate program/consideration) (Know More) (Testimonial)
- Yoga Weight Loss Program (Know More) (Testimonial)
- Cellulite and Varicose Veins(Spider veins) Reduction (Know More)
- Yoga for Sports and Gym Enthusiast (Know More) (Testimonial)
- Tai Chi and Qi Gong (Know More)
- Stress Management Program (Know More) (Testimonial)
- Stress Management Counselling (Know More) (Testimonial)
- Yoga Workshops for Corporates and Organizations (Know More)
- Pain Management (Back Pain , Neck Pain , Joint Pain) (Know More) (Testimonial)
- Asana-Pranayama-Meditation
- Jala Neti and Sutra Neti Classes (Know More)
- Yoga Nidra Sessions
- Health and Lifestyle Counselling
- Diet Suggestions (Recipes)
- Terms and Conditions of Fee Payment
- Codes of Conduct for IN-PERSON sessions
- Codes of Conduct for ONLINE sessions
- Giving back to self and society
- Fee is to be paid during the admission or first day of joining.
- All memberships are Non-Transferable & Non-Refundable.
- Remember your fee due date and pay fee on time.
- Absenteeism of any kind will not be adjusted.
- Negotiate on your sedentary lifestyle expenses but not on fee and healthy diet.
- Join only when you are serious before you pay fee.
- Best time to invest on health is NOW, tomorrow never comes.
- Discuss your medical history if any with instructor.
- Always arrive early or on time in the class.
- Avoid talking during the session..
- Keep mobile phones on silent mode.
- Place or roll your mat gently on the floor without making any sound.
- Place mat in such a way that space in the hall is properly utilized.
- Avoid stepping on anyones' mat.
- Keep fans on moderate or low speed to maintain warmed-up body.
- Switch off lights and fans when you leave.
- When you use washroom, please ensure cleaniness.
- Keep shoes properly outside of the hall.
- Respect personal space.
- Be mindful of your surroundings.
- Don't litter inside the hall.
- Once session is over, please leave the premises unless you live inside the society.
- Park vehicles only near security gate and walk to the hall.
- Be kind to security guards and co-operate.
- Dress in clothing (decent) you can feel flexible and comfortable.
- Avoid plastic bags for carrying yoga mat and use canvas bags which you can purchase from us
- Covid-19 restrictions: members will be required to follow government guidelines.
- Keep device audio on mute unless you have any question to ask.
- Don't share online session link with others.
- Log-in only with your name.
- Use one device per enrollment.
- Properly arrange mat, camera angle, and light background during online session.
- Always Log-off after the session.
- Share your yoga journey through review like many have done and inspire those who are in need.
- Respect and worship your body always.
- Learn from poor health of others who are suffering and try to avoid same suffering in your life.
- Don't wait for new year resolutions, surprise yourself with best of you on every day.
- Body works on simple rule: Use it or Lose it.
Pre-Post Natal and Beyond
(Click here for TESTIMONIALS of those who have seen results)
Asanas and pranayama help women deal with the physiological and psychological effects of menstruation, maternity and menopause calmly. There are three important phases in a woman’s life : menstruation, maternity and menopause. Doing yoga asanas and pranayama exercises are helpful in dealing with them.
Yoga helps prevent miscarriages and failure to conceive because of defects in ovaries, inflammation or displacement of the uterus. Stability of mind and body helps a woman conceive early. Yoga makes the pelvic muscles stronger and prevents back injuries because of the extra front load of the baby. Strong uterine muscles ease delivery pain too. Pranayama and meditation along with gormukhasana and bhujangasana extend the lactation period. Asanas and pranayama stimulate the pituitary gland responsible for prolactin secretion. Yoga after delivery removes extra fat and helps in reshaping the body and relieving the stress on the pelvis, neck, back and shoulders from carrying the baby.
Holistic yoga results in successful and positive completion of the menstruation phase, pregnancy, birthing process and menopause.
Yoga helps deal with physiological and psychological effects with a greater sense of peace and acceptance.
Click here for Pre Natal Yoga Gallery
Counselling and Consultation
Psychotherapy and Counselling:
Stress impacts thoughts, feelings, body and behaviors. Chronic stress should be avoided because it can cause headaches, insomnia, wekaend immune system, hight blood pressure, fertility issue, aggression and musch more. We provide in person Counselling and solution in the following psychological areas:
∎ Substance Abuse (Addiction)
∎ Counselling for Lifestyle Correction
∎ Counselling for Stress, Depression and Anxiety
∎ Counselling for Weight Management
∎ Counselling for Trauma and Illness
∎ Counselling for Corporate Burnouts and Productivity
∎ Counselling for Infertility related Mental Trauma
Diet and Nutrition:
Food is a source of energy and nutrition for the body. Right combination of food meets requirements of nutrition and any other substance that body needs. We provide consultation and counselling in the following area:
∎ Food Addiction
∎ Food and Diesease Prevention
∎ Food and Weight Management
∎ Food, Corporate Professionals and Productivity Improvement
∎ Food Correction for People in Sports and Exercise
∎ Food,Culture and Myths
∎ Food and Behaviour Management
Yoga Therapy
Yoga has theoretical side as well apart from psychological , physical and mental. A survey released in December 2008 by the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that yoga was the sixth most commonly used alternative therapy in the United States during 2007, with 6.1 percent of the population participating. Yoga has shown very good results in treatment of PCOD , Asthma , Migraine , Sinus , Back pain (slip disk , disk prolapse etc) , Neck pain (Spondylitis ), Thyroid , BP , Diabetes , Cholesterol , Knee pain , Varicose vein and many more.
Rapidly emerging in the Western world as a discipline for integrating the mind and body into union and harmony, when adopted as a way of life, yoga improves physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual health. Yoga offers an effective method of managing and reducing stress, anxiety and depression and numerous studies demonstrate the efficacy of yoga on mood related disorders.
Currently, treatment for anxiety and depression involves mostly psychological and pharmacological interventions; however, mind-body interventions are becoming increasingly popular as a means to reduce stress in individuals. Yoga, a form of mind-body exercise, has become an increasingly widespread therapy used to maintain wellness, and alleviate a range of health problems and ailments. Yoga should be considered as a complementary therapy or alternative method for medical therapy in the treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders as it has been shown to create a greater sense of well-being, increase feelings of relaxation, improve self-confidence and body image, improve efficiency, better interpersonal relationships, increase attentiveness, lower irritability, and encourage an optimistic outlook on life.
Researchers are only beginning to understand how disciplines such as yoga promote personal growth, health and well-being. By acknowledging the unity of mind, body and spirit, mind-body fitness programs (i.e. yoga) can assist people in their pursuit of peace, calmness, and greater wholeness and integration in their lives. Health care professionals, health educators and the like, need to be aware of the potential of yoga as an important component of a personal wellness plan.
(Know more about rising lifestyle diseases.)
Yoga For Kids
Yoga for children is any form of yoga adapted or designed specifically for youth of all ages. It takes into consideration the peculiarities of every age and adapts the traditional yoga postures and routines so that kids can do them safely. Yoga can be done by children of any age, the only limitations and restrictions are caused by the children’s inability to be attentive for a long time. Typically yoga classes designed for children incorporate interactive poses and games intended to hold the children’s attention. The main goal of yoga for kids is stimulation of the physical, mental and emotional abilities of a child. Yoga is also successfully used as a form of therapy for kids with different physical and mental ailments. Yoga helps in improvement of concentration.
Flexibility , Strength and Hormonal Imbalance
In India, around 35 per cent women including young girls, suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), also known as polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD). On other front, more and more people are facing issues related to thyroid , sugar and BP Proper functioning of these glands ensures development and regeneration of bone tissues. In growing children, this asana activates the pituitary gland, responsible for height and overall growth. Overweight issues are often linked to imbalance of hormones secreted by the pituitary.
There are many weightbearing postures in yoga to check bone degeneration. The asana routine Standing postures like Trikonasana (triangle pose) and Parsvottanasana (intense side stretch pose) are good for the lower part of the body while postures like Virbhadrasana (warrior pose) or Anjanayasana (crescent moon pose) strengthen leg bones and muscles. Balancing postures like Vrksasana (tree pose) and Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose) increase bone density and reduce the risk of falling down by increasing your sense of balance. Twisting and back bending postures like Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Gomukhasana (cow face pose), and Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist pose) are beneficial to get back the natural curvature of the backbone.
Weightloss , Inch loss and Toning
(Click here for TESTIMONIALS of those who have seen results)
The most important component of an effective weight-management program must be the prevention of unwanted weight gain from excess body fat.
Unless you accept that you are overweight, you won’t make an attempt to become lean and fit; so
gracefully acknowledge obesity. Start with small changes in your lifestyle to kick start weightloss.
Body toning starts within 10 days of a new workout regimen. As you practise different asanas, you feel lighter. But be consistent with your practice, as weightloss takes time.
Yogic postures can be customised to suit your age and health. Let your yoga instructor know if you have back pain or spondylitis.
Inch loss happens proportionally as you start your workout. Weight reduction is sure and remember to keep practising your yoga. Ensure you don’t gain weight after reducing it.
Yoga also eases stress. Yogic postures and breathing help in the smooth functioning of endocrine glands and check weight gain due to hormonal imbalance.
Asanas and pranayama strengthen the immune system; you also get rid of allergies and indigestion. You become watchful and aware.
The principle of weight gain is simple: energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. Overweight and obesity are clearly the result of a complex set of interactions among genetic,
behavioral, and environmental factors. While hundreds, if not thousands, of weight-loss strategies, diets, potions, and
devices have been offered to the overweight public, the multi-factorial etiology of overweight challenges practitioners, researchers, and the overweight
themselves to identify permanent, effective strategies for weight loss and maintenance.
Individuals with a higher BMI tend to exhibit a greater amount of subcutaneous fat, which significantly contributes to the appearance of cellulite and varicose veins.
Read about our Cellulite and Varicose Veins reduction program. (Know More).
Increased physical activity is an essential component of a comprehensive weight-reduction strategy for overweight adults who are otherwise healthy.
One of the best predictors of success in the long-term management of overweight and obesity is the ability to develop and sustain an exercise program.
Self-monitoring of dietary intake and physical activity, which enables the individual to develop a sense of accountability, is one of the cornerstones of behavioral treatment.
Recent work has suggested that regular self-monitoring of body weight is a useful adjunct to behavior modification programs.
Weight loss achieved through exercise, sensible dieting, reduced fat consumption, and individual behavior changes could be maintained for long periods of time.
Weight-management programs may be divided into two phases: weight loss and weight maintenance. While exercise may be the most important element of a weight-maintenance program,
it is clear that dietary restriction is the critical component of a weight-loss program that influences the rate of weight loss.
It is recommended that individuals eat a variety of foods, with the majority being grain products, eat at least five servings per day of fruits and vegetables; eat only moderate
amounts of dairy products; and limit the consumption of foods that are high in fat or sugar or contain few nutrients.
The beneficial effects of dietary fiber might be accomplished by the following mechanisms:
(1) caloric dilution (most high-fiber foods are low in calories and low in fat);
(2) longer chewing and swallowing time reduces total intake;
(3) improved gastric and intestinal motility and emptying and less absorption
Be consistent. Natural weightloss rate is two to three kg a month, so don’t target more than that. Draw up longterm goals
for weightloss and avoid short-term solutions like supplements and laxatives as they are harmful.
Weight Management: State of the Science and Opportunities for Military Programs. Institute of Medicine (US) Subcommittee on Military Weight Management. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2004.
Cellulite and Varicose Veins Reduction
Cellulite is an aesthetically distressing skin condition that manifests as dimples and depressions, producing an uneven surface to the skin. Occurring in 80% to 90% of females, mostly on the thighs, buttocks, and hips, it is associated with profound negative psychosocial and quality of life issues.There is no effective treatment for cellulite, although a number of different treatment modalities are available, from noninvasive to minimally invasive. Although a painless condition, because it is aesthetically unappealing, cellulite is associated with profound negative psychosocial effects. Body dissatisfaction, psychosocial distress, anxiety, and decreased quality of life are highly prevalent among females with cellulite.
Varicose Veins (Spider veins):
Varicose veins are often on the thighs, the backs and fronts of the calves, or the inside of the legs near the ankles and feet.
During pregnancy, varicose veins can happen around the inner thigh, lower pelvic area, and buttocks.Varicose veins are dilated, serpentine, superficial veins.
If they cluster, they may feel and appear like a bunch of grapes.
Spider veins or reticular veins, which are superficial veins medically known as telangiectasias, are small, unsightly veins that appear red or blue on the skin's surface. They resemble spider webs or tree branches, hence their name, and are most commonly found on the legs and face. Spider veins can usually be seen under the skin, but they do not make the skin bulge out like varicose veins do. Spider veins are usually found on the legs or the face. |
Your heart pumps blood filled with oxygen and nutrients through your arteries to your whole body. Veins then carry the blood from different parts of
your body back to your heart. Normally, your veins have valves that act as one-way flaps. But, if the valves don't close correctly,
blood can leak back into the lower part of the vein rather than going toward the heart.
Over time, more blood gets stuck in the vein, building pressure that weakens the walls of the vein. This causes the vein to grow larger.
It also prevents the de-oxygenated blood of the legs from replenishing itself with oxygen. Over time, the chronic pressure build-up causes the surface vein walls to thin and weaken. Eventually, these weakened veins begin to stretch and bulge out or “balloon out”. The engorged and stretched-out veins appear at the surface of the skin as abnormal veins. |
Some women do not have any symptoms with varicose veins and spider veins. Changing hormone levels may affect your symptoms. Because of this, you may notice more symptoms during certain times in your menstrual cycle or during pregnancy or menopause. Problems in the valves in your veins can prevent blood from flowing normally and cause varicose veins or spider veins. If you do have symptoms, your legs may feel extremely tired, heavy, or achy. Your symptoms may get worse after sitting or standing for long periods of time. Your symptoms may get better after resting and putting your legs up.
Other symptoms that may be more common with varicose veins include:
» Throbbing
» Swelling
» Itching
» Muscle cramps in your legs, particularly at night
How our yoga teaching helps?
Our teaching involves proper mobilization, range of motion, trigger point release and fascia release. It helps you in:
» Draining excess body fluid
» Redistributing fat cells
» Plumping up skin
» Improved body symmetry and alignment
» Increased blood flow
fascia manipulation frees fat cells from fibrous septae, thereby decreasing projections in the dermis. improved dermal firmness, fiber compaction, and tightening of skin layers, More important for cellulite improvement is removing muscle imblance, relaxing fascia. Increasing the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles can decrease the appearance of cellulite by alleviating the strain placed on the connective tissue bands. Specific yoga postures that elongates your muscles can help you release tension in your muscles, which is one element of fascia. Yoga is a great way to check in with your body to pinpoint where exactly your fascia is tight and holding tension. Making time for yoga may also provide complementary mental benefits like lower stress and anxiety levels
This phenomenon highlighted the importance of proper ankle joint mobilization to maintain the efficacy of the valvulo-muscular calf pump. by stimulating the active stretching of the posterior kinetic muscles chain until the plantar sole, Yoga stretches demonstrated to be effective in improving the EF (Ejection fraction is a test your doctor can use to determine the percentage of blood that leaves a ventricle each time your heart beats). A significant improvement of ankle ROM through active stretching showed a linear correlation with EF% increase, corresponding to a better calf pump function, less oedema and interstitial fluids accumulation. This phenomenon can be explained by the more efficient pump muscle function in edema removal following the adapted physical training.
Gabriel A, Chan V, Caldarella M, Wayne T, O'Rorke E. Cellulite: Current Understanding and Treatment. Aesthet Surg J Open Forum. 2023 Jun 21
Menegatti E, Mandini S, Pagani A, Mandini B, Zerbini V, Piva T, Raisi A, Fabbri M, Fogli M, Mazzoni G, Zamboni P, Gianesini S. The Effect of Active Stretching Training in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency Monitored by Raster-Stereography. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Nov 4;22(21):8509.
Meditation , Concentration and Stress Management
(Click here for TESTIMONIALS of those who have seen results)
Many people turn to yoga for stress relief and freedom from anxiety and tension. However, they often don’t have a proper understanding of the purpose and intent of each asana, so they tend to mistake relaxation asanas for meditation and vice versa!
Concentration is about staying at one point. You don’t allow the mind to wander. You have to be relaxed, fully present and focused on an activity or object. You start moving from the outer to the inner world. Your energy or prana converges at one point, resulting in stronger will power and intention. Perfecting the art of "concentration" is the first step towards the ultimate stage.
Finally, you move past relaxation and concentration to reach a nomind, no-body state. Here you transcend beyond the single point focus of concentration. You transcend thought processes and reach "nothingness" or "completeness". Your journey here is completely inward. It is an absolute state of awareness and alertness; you become a witness to everything, even to your own self. You learn to witness thoughts, emotions and sound arising in your awareness within and around you. The results of this form of relaxation, termed "meditation" are lifelong.
For Psychological Counselling and Consultancy, Please Click Here
Corporate Yoga Workshops
You can’t control everything in your work environment, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless; even when you’re stuck in a difficult situation.
Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn’t about making huge changes or rethinking career ambitions,
but rather about focusing on the one thing that’s always within your control. This is exactly where Yoga helps.
As per other literature review and researches done earlier, Yoga seems to be very effective in reduction of both stress
and its contributing factors like stress by bringing improvement in awareness, let go feeling, quality of life and reduction in psychological interpersonal issues.
Yoga helps improvement in Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional intelligence in the workplace has four major components:
» Self-awareness : The ability to recognize your emotions and their impact while using gut feelings to guide your decisions.
» Self-management : The ability to control your emotions and behavior and adapt to changing circumstances.
» Social awareness : The ability to sense, understand, and react to other's emotions and feel comfortable socially.
» Relationship management : The ability to inspire, influence, and connect to others and manage conflict.
Study done by us on students
from companies like IBM, TCS, ADS, Amdocs, Accenture, Citi Bank, IGATE, ZS , Markets and Markets, Capgemini, HSBC, BNY Mellon, and John Deere etc.
have shown statistically significant results after Yoga practice.
We have conducted corporate yoga workshops for Accenture, ITC, Allscripts, Cybage, Softbridge, Seed Infotech, Prodair Air Products, and Knorr‐Bremse.
We address job (work place) stress related psychological issues (Stress, Depression, Anxiety , Insecurity , Aggression , Interpersonal issues , Conflicts etc.)
and physiological issues (PCOD , Thyroid , Migraine , Obesity in females and Hypertension , Cholesterol , Sugar level in males) of employees.
Apart from this, we will also address postural issues like back and neck pain, knee pains etc. This will directly and indirectly
improve productivity by reduction in Burn out, Absenteeism, Misuse of resources , Interpersonal conflicts , Aggression , Workplace Behavioral Issues ,
Time management issues, Job dissatisfaction etc. This session targets improvement in Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
Occupational pressures are believed to be responsible for:
» 30% of workers suffering from back pain or neck pain
» 30% of women suffering from PCOS or PCOD
» 28% complaining of ’stress’
» 20% feeling fatigued
» 20% workers having psychosomatic metabolic disorders like hyper tension, obesity , thyriod , cholesterol etc.
» 13% with headaches
Job stress is costly:
Job Stress carries a price tag for U.S. industry estimated at over $300 billion annually as a result of:
» Accidents
» Absenteeism
» Employee turnover
» Diminished productivity
» Direct medical, legal, and insurance costs
» Worker’s compensation awards as well as tort and FELA judgments
We offer guidance through workshops or regular yoga classes or sessions. Corporate Workshops Gallery
Pain Management (Back Pain , Neck Pain , Joint Pain)
(Click here for TESTIMONIALS of those who have seen results)
You might not even experience "pain" per se, but you do have a muscular related
physical limitation that interferes with your daily activities, by causing
difficulty in rising from a chair and sitting down, getting in and out of the car,
or climbing up and down stairs. You might think that as long as you avoid a
specific movement, you won’t have any pain. Of course, little by little, you start
adding to the list of activities to avoid until, finally, your life is restricted to a
few, limited things you can do without pain.
Back and Neck Pain :
The spine is a complex structure. It performs several vital functions:
1. Supporting the weight of the trunk so that you can sit and
walk upright.
2. Permitting trunk motion so that you can bend to tie your
3. Protecting the spinal cord (a structure that runs down
from the brain and supplies nerves to the arms, chest,
legs, and internal organs).
Injury to the spinal cord can
lead to paralysis.
The spine is a column of twenty-four bones called vertebrae.
Seven of these vertebrae are in the neck (cervical vertebrae), twelve are in the chest (thoracic vertebrae), and five are in the lower back
(lumbar vertebrae). The sacrum sits at the base of the spine and is
part of the pelvis.
What Can Go Wrong:
♦Muscle and Ligament Strains and Sprains
♦Disc Herniation
♦Disc Degeneration
♦Spinal Stenosis
♦Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
♦Osteoporosis-Related Spine Fractures
♦Isthmic Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis
♦Scheuermann’s Disease.
♦and so on ...
Joint Pain:
Joints form the connections between bones. They provide support and help you move. Any damage to the joints from
disease or injury can interfere with your movement and cause a lot of pain.
Many different conditions can lead to painful joints, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis,
gout, strains, sprains, and other injuries. Joint pain is extremely common. In one national survey, about one third
of adults reported having joint pain within the past 30 days. Knee pain was the most common complaint, followed by shoulder and hip pain,
but joint pain can affect any part of your body, from your ankles and feet to your shoulders and hands. As you get older,
painful joints become increasingly more common.
Yoga relieves back pain by stimulating the mind and by strengthening and fine tuning the body. It is non surgical way of managing pain.
Corrective Exercise and Sport Performance
Today, more people work in offices, have longer work hours,
use better technology and automation, and are required to move less on a
daily basis. This new environment produces more inactive and nonfunctional
people and leads to dysfunction and increased incidents of injury including
low-back pain, knee injuries, and other musculoskeletal injuries.
Sports injuries are commonly caused by overuse, direct impact, or the application of force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand. There are two kinds of sports injuries: acute and chronic. An injury that occurs suddenly, such as a sprained ankle caused by an awkward landing, is known as an acute injury.
Chronic injuries are caused by repeated overuse of muscle groups or joints.
Poor technique and structural abnormalities can also contribute to the development of chronic injuries.
Medical investigation of any sports injury is important, because you may be hurt more severely than you think.
For example, what seems like an ankle sprain may actually be a bone fracture.
There are hundreds of different sports injuries, but there are certain parts of the body that are more prone to damage than others.
Most injuries are due to a combination of factors, including sports environment and fitness
In working with any sport person, who more than likely
possesses muscle imbalances, health and fitness professionals must take special
consideration when designing programs. An integrated approach should
be used to create safe programs that consider the functional capacity for each
individual person. They must address factors such as appropriate forms of
flexibility, increasing strength and neuromuscular control, training in different
types of environments (stable to unstable), and training in different planes of
Our training through Yoga is designed to follow biomechanical, physiologic, and
functional principles of the human movement system. We provide an
easy-to-follow systematic process that will help improve muscle imbalances,
minimize injury, and maximize results.
Here’s a look, from head to toe, at the Top Ten sports injuries you’re most likely to face
♦ Muscle Pull
♦ Neck Pain
♦ Shoulder Impingement
♦ Lower Back Strain
♦ Tennis Elbow
♦ Runner’s Knee
♦ Shin Splints
♦ Ankle Sprain
♦ Achilles Tendinitis
♦ Plantar fasciitis (Arch Pain)
Please refer our article on Yoga for sports and gym enthusiast.
Tai Chi and Qi Gong
Tai Chi and Qi Gong are chinese health routines same as Yoga. These routines are powerful exercise to enhance energy, mental clarity, and internal strength.
It’s an excellent standing meditation for improving your productivity and bringing more aliveness to everything you do.
These practices are not only useful for general people but also useful for elite athletes because of benefial effect of balance, energy, and alignement.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention to open
blockages in the body based on the same meridian system used in acupuncture.Sometimes Qigong and Tai Chi
are called a moving meditation in which the mind and body are led to a state of balance and equilibrium also known as homeostasis.
The health benefits from Qigong and Tai Chi comes about both by supporting the body's natural
tendency to return to balance and equilibrium and also gently yet profoundly creating strength,
flexibility and balance in the muscles and joints through gentle flowing movements. This is the winning combination: body and mind.
The physical and mental practice continuously supports the return to balance.
Surveys, including one by the National Center for
Complementary and Integrative Health (https://nccih.nih.gov/health/taichi), have shown that between 2.3 million and 3 million
people use tai chi in the United States, where a fledgling body of scientific research now exists:
the center has supported studies on the effect of tai chi on cardiovascular disease, fall prevention,
bone health, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis of the knee, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic heart failure,
cancer survivors, depression in older people, and symptoms of fibromyalgia. One study on the immune
response to varicella-zoster virus (which causes shingles) suggested in 2007 that tai chi may enhance
the immune system and improve overall well-being in older adults. However, “in general, studies of tai chi
have been small, or they have had design limitations that may limit their conclusions,” notes the center’s website.
“The cumulative evidence suggests that additional research is warranted and needed before tai chi can be widely recommended as an effective therapy.”
(Click here for more on Tai Chi and Qi Gong)
PCOD or PCOS Awareness Project by Soham Yoga Studio
(Click here for TESTIMONIALS of those who have seen results)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is the most common endocrine disorder among women
of fertile age.
Science hasn’t yet come up with many of the answers to the
questions of PCOS. The underlying cause is still unknown. The interactions between
the reproductive system and the endocrine system are complex,
so it’s still unclear what causes what or where it all starts.
But there is good news. Our techniques in the Yoga for PCOS program have helped many women find peace, comfort and healing.
Those who have done is sincerely have seen PCOS issue completely gone. Married women students reported to have conceived successfully and delivered healthy babies too.
What is PCOS project? What we have found that this issue is very prevalent in unmarried women but they come to know about it at very later stage or only after getting married especially when the couple
is planning to have a baby. But by this time enough damage is already done. Moreover, they keep fixing individual symptoms (like acne , weight gain, hair loss or hirsutism..).
On the other side, women who know that they have PCOS, many times don’t even bother to know what it is and what is the full form of PCOS word.
We have been observing this for long time and have lately seen that more and more women are getting diagnosed with it.
In fact, we have advised many women to take out few medical reports when we suspected that she might have PCOS. To our surprise, on an average, every one women out
of six to ten are having PCOS.
By this project, we are giving all the information, background of the issue to every student in our class so that those who are not yet diagnosed with PCOS can prevent
themselves to become victim of it. Aim of this project is to prevent and cure women from PCOS. Please pass on this message to other women.
Examples and symptoms of PCOS. You may have PCOS if you have one or more of the following :
♦General issues: fatigue, appetite, sleep problems (including snoring)
♦Menstruation: Irregular or missing menstrual periods , prolonged or heavy periods
♦Pregnancy: difficulty conceiving (infertility), gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension
♦Body weight problems: weight gain, difficult to lose weight , abdominal fat (belly fat), upper body obesity
♦Skin and hair: acne, oily skin, dandruff, hirsutism (unwanted hair), hair loss (baldness)
♦Metabolic: diabetes, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance
♦Cardiovascular system: hypertension, vascular disease, blood clots, cholesterol levels
♦Cancer: personal or family history
♦Psychological issues: depression, anxiety
♦Medications: what you have taken or are taking, what worked or didn’t work, side effects
♦Family history: issues in any of these key areas in your immediate family (parents and siblings)
Acne |
Hirsutism (Facial hair growth) |
Skin Patches |
Abdominal fat deposition |
In the fight to win against PCOS. Reach us and we will help you cure PCOS.

we set out on our journey which has today proved to be life changing for us, in every which way.
Yoga can solve any problem..trust me..you just need to have the intent and faith in it and it does wonders...